Chandni Singhvi

Assistant account Executive

Chandni Singhvi joined the Strauss Media Strategies DC office in September of 2020 as an intern, and transitioned to her current role as Assistant Account Executive in January of 2021.

Chandni graduated from American University in 2021 with a major in Public Relations and Strategic Communications and a minor in Marketing. While completing her degree, she had the opportunity to intern at four companies in the general communications field, including Strauss Media Strategies. During one of her internships, she gained experience in a broader understanding of the film, television, animation and music industry. While there, Chandni got to visit film sets, assist video shoots and work alongside directors and producers creating campaigns for companies such as Adidas, Facebook, Adobe, Audi, and HBO.

During her second internship, she received experience more directly with public relations, working at a NYC restaurant PR company. As this was her first introduction to a hands on public relations job, she gained knowledge on how to use social media and traditional media to boost various client profiles, as well as getting to try delicious food from some of New York City’s greatest restaurants!

During her third internship, Chandni studied abroad in Madrid, Spain where she joined El Movimiento Contra La Intolerencia, a communications firm that worked against racial hate crimes in Madrid. Having an internship in a foreign country gave her the rare opportunity to assess her strengths and weaknesses on a multi-cultural level. She left this experience with an understanding of how to better adapt and improve her performance in a new environment with different communications methods and a significant language barrier.

Chandni joined Strauss Media Strategies as an intern in September of 2020. As an intern, Chandni worked on variety of tasks including final reports, where she calculated audience impressions/metrics, organized booking details, summarized tours and found web mentions for each project. Moreover, she worked with a small team to reignite the company’s social media pages, contacted media contacts, created media lists, and cut and edited radio and television interviews. Since joining Strauss Media Strategies full time, Chandni continues to work on those various projects as well as work on proposals and advisories, organize the team’s larger client profiles and serves as internship coordinator. After working at Strauss Media for a total of over two years, Chandni has worked on broadcast media campaigns for a wide range and diverse set of clients.

When she’s not hard at work conducting media relations, Chandni enjoys spending time with friends and family, traveling, yoga, hiking, reading historical fiction novels, and binge watching any and all Netflix dock-series.


Strauss Media Strategies, Inc.
National Press Building
529 14th Street, NW, Suite 1163
Washington, DC 20045
[P] (202) 638-0200
[F] (202) 638-0400
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Dorothy Greenwald

Manager, APCO Worldwide
"Working with Strauss has always been a pleasure and most importantly, they’ve delivered great results."
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