Audio Roundtables Print E-mail

Strauss Media Strategies, Inc. has the ability to provide audio roundtable services for our clients. Audio roundtables are an event designed to allow client spokespeople to do one large interview with a number of media outlets using a dial-in telephone service where national networks, leading outlets in local markets and other targeted media outlets all at the same time (similar to a press conference).  Audio roundtables allow the media community to talk with spokespeople that they might not ordinarily have access to, and allows spokespeople a time effective way to reach out to media outlets around the country.

Another option that Strauss Media Strategies offers is the ability to coordinate the sharing of audio from an existing news conference or event to off-site participants via our audio roundtable services.  Audio roundtable participants can even interact with on-site events, if the client so chooses.

In addition to simply sharing audio with members of the media, Strauss Media Strategies can also facilitate complex, web-enabled roundtable presentations, where clients can supplement the audio with PowerPoint presentations, graphics, or even video with some or all of the participants.

Strauss Media Strategies can help in every facet of developing a successful audio roundtable, from simply providing the venue to host the call, to moderating the meeting itself, to proactively pitching and arranging for the participation of the media.  

Please contact us to schedule an Audio Roundtable Service.

Strauss Media Strategies, Inc.
National Press Building
529 14th Street, NW, Suite 1163
Washington, DC 20045
[P] (202) 638-0200
[F] (202) 638-0400
NYC Office Address »
LA Office Address »

Matthew Allee

Director of Communications and Outreach, The Constitution Project
"Strauss was able to respond at the drop of a hat and put together a timely and wide-ranging radio tour for our spokespeople around a recent organizational initiative. The results were impressive and quantifiable, making a clear case for future collaborations with Strauss Media Strategies."
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