Media Training |
Leveraging our collective hundreds of years of overall staff experience in MEDIA TRAINING, Strauss Media Strategies is the ideal partner for any organization or individual looking to prepare for media interviews with a formal media training session
With media training experts in the form of former television and radio producers as well as on-air talent, Strauss Media provides a diverse perspective that can prepare anyone for any type of media interview. Our comprehensive media training sessions are custom tailored to each individual client’s needs. With sessions ranging from two hours to two days, a team of experienced media relations professionals will conduct mock interviews, provide feedback on presentation and content, and give each trainee a solid background on such items as the how to best come across on camera, how do deal with difficult questions, and essentially deal with many different interview scenarios they may come across during a broadcast interview.
Media Training sessions are typically recorded in front of a camera, and can take place in either a professional broadcast studio or at a more convenient client setting. Camera crews and lighting can be provided to make almost any site an appropriate location where a client can learn the skills and confidence needed to deliver top flight broadcast media interviews. Please contact one of our team members today for your next media training session.
Please contact us to schedule your next Media Training session.